Saturday, December 19, 2009

What a little Billie Holiday can do

What a little Billie Holiday can do

i put my headphones on and listen to Billie
singing of foggy london, april in paris,
stormy blues and love that keeps you warm
it's lyrical, insightful, it is clarity within tones
she's a genius
something i strive towards
somewhere to aim myself in my art.

The horns playing along side her voice
remind me of my dad
he was passionate about jazz
he played me so many records
with so many amazing artists
i found it comforting
listening to billie and the other blues and jazz greats
time seemed to stand still
there was only the music
and my father's gentle smile.

Billie comes through my headphones
clear as a drop of rain in the spring
bright as the stars in the dark sky
her love of the music, the lyrics,
the art form itself, is unmistakable.

i emersed myself into the sounds
my teenage life was chaotic
and playing, singing, writing, performing
it gave me a focus, an outlet
a place to put my frustrations
clueless but fairly happy
i galloped along, creating my own path.

Billie is my american idol
tender, passionate, sensual
my mentor in music
my soulful sister in life

Would i have made it through?
my younger self struggled with
purpose, identity, sexuality
would I have made it through
without billie?
without dad who introduced us?

i did make it through
the bumpy road of life
finding self-freedom
experiencing cultural liberation
creating music
making love
honoring billie

nope, they can't take that away from me!

written by Starlene
December 20, 2008

Saturday, November 21, 2009

One year ago today

It was one year ago today that now know was my liberation day. At the time it was horrible. As i look back, i see and feel how what happened really was necessary and, ultimately, something that has made my life better.  When someone you love and live with intimately, cheats and lies and acts hateful, it's heart breaking and very very sad. In the course of a year i went from there to here..a wonderful here...and i'm very grateful for that.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Greens urge defeat of the Democrats' "insurance industry life-support" bill in the US Senate and call for a rally of efforts to enact Single-Payer/Medicare For All


For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator,

Greens urge defeat of the Democrats' "insurance industry life-support" bill in the US Senate and call for a rally of efforts to enact Single-Payer/Medicare For All

• The US House bill passed on Saturday favors the insurance industry over Americans who need medical care; no heath care reform bill should be enacted that doesn't allow states to enact Single-Payer, say Greens, who slam House Democrats for killing a vote on Single-Payer last week

• Green Party Speakers Bureau: Greens available to speak on health care reform:

WASHINGTON, DC -- In the wake of a US House vote passing a Democratic health care bill (HR 3962), Green Party leaders and health care activists are calling for a defeat of the bill, calling it little more than a program to subsidize the insurance industry.

Greens are urging supporters of real universal health care to intensify efforts to win Capitol Hill support for Single-Payer/Medicare For All national health care.

"Democrats from President Obama on down know that Single-Payer is the best solution.  They've said so.  But instead of eliminating the waste and inefficiency of for-profit health insurance, the Democrats' 'insurance industry life-support' plan would increase insurance company profits by forcing every American to purchase their inferior products.  Many Democrats who previously supported Single-Payer have turned their backs, abandoning real universal health care out of loyalty to the President and their party," said Midge Potts, Missouri Green candidate for the US Senate (

The Green Party supports Single-Payer, which would guarantee quality health care for every American, allow patients to choose their health care providers, cut paperwork for physicians and hospitals, and reduce health care costs by a third by eliminating the for-profit insurance industry 'middle man' (  Greens advocate a Single-Payer system run by a not-for-profit trust of health care providers, health care advocates, and taxpayers, rather than by the federal government.  The Democratic bill accomplishes none of these goals.

"Democrats want phony health care reform, Republicans want zero reform.  Greens seek real reform by making health care a right instead of a privilege, just as we've made Social Security, education, and the protections we enjoy from fire and police departments a right for everyone," added Ms. Potts, one of nine peaceful protesters arrested on November 5 at the Capitol Hill office of Sen. Joseph Lieberman until the senator agreed to stop taking campaign contributions from the insurance industry (video clip:

Greens strongly criticized congressional Democrats like Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY), who withdrew his Single-Payer bill last week to support HR 3962.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had promised a vote after August on Single-Payer legislation, which sponsors of the latter have decided to withdraw.

When Rep. Pelosi, after vocal protests from Single-Payer supporters (including a sit-in at her Capitol Hill office) finally agreed to the vote but allowed only 20 minutes for debate, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) and Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) issued a public statement opposing the vote on the grounds that Single-Payer had not received an adequate hearing.

"Reps. Conyers and Kucinich argued that a quick vote and perfunctory defeat of Single-Payer would damage hopes for Single-Payer (  Tabling this vote made passage of the Democratic House bill possible, with yea votes from those who previously favored Single-Payer -- making progressive Democrats as responsible as Blue Dogs and Republicans for killing real health care reform.  The point of a vote on Single-Payer, regardless of its chances of passage right now, was to focus attention on Single-Payer and build momentum and public support," said Holly Hart, secretary of the Green Party of the United States.

Like Midge Potts, several Green Party candidates and activists have participated in protests and civil disobedience to draw attention to the demand for Single-Payer.  Howie Hawkins, who placed second on November 3 in Syracuse, New York city council race, was arrested on November 4 in downtown Syracuse during a non-violent demonstration outside the office of National Government Services, a Medicare claims processing operation owned by Wellpoint Inc., a major health insurer (video clip:

Mobilization for Health Care For All (, which is organizing the protests, was founded by Kevin Zeese, Maryland Green candidate for the US Senate in 2006.

"No heath care reform bill should be enacted that doesn't allow individual states to enact Single-Payer," added Matt Reichel, Green candidate for Congress in Illinois's 5th District (, referring to the Kucinich amendment.  "Rep. Pelosi stripped the provision for state-based Single-Payer from the House bill and Democrats weakened the public option to satisfy the insurance lobby.  These betrayals justify a 'voters revolt' against Democrats in 2010, if they offer a health care bill that wastes taxpayers' money and favors the insurance industry over Americans who need medical care."  (Article by Mr. Reichel on health care reform:

The Green Party listed reasons to reject the Senate version of HR 3962:

• The 'public option' in the bill would enroll only 2% of the population by 2019.  According to the Congressional Budget Office, the public option "would cost more than private plans" since it would enroll primarily the poorest and sickest members of society.  Insurance companies will probably end up administering the public option plan.  (Single-Payer ends the provision of health coverage by insurance companies, which raise health costs by nearly a third to cover overhead, administrative costs, CEO salaries, and profits for shareholders.)

"Democrats and their allies like Health Care for America NOW (HCAN) are trying to pull the wool over our eyes, pretending that this is a fight for a robust public option and universal health care.  Democrats killed the public option a month ago in everything but name.  They turned the public option into fig leaf for the corporate option their plan embraces.  The real winners will be the insurance companies, since the Democrats are using the insurance mandate to gift-wrap 50 million new customers for them," said Mr. Hawkins.

• Access to health insurance will still primarily be tied to employment.  An employee who loses his or her job will still lose coverage. Employers, not employees, will choose their workers' insurance company and their health care provider.  (Single-Payer relieves businesses of the burden of providing health insurance benefits and allows Americans to choose their physician or hospital.)

• The House bill further increases health care spending.  The US already spends nearly double ($7,200 per capita) what other industrial countries spend for their citizens.  To reduce the increase in costs to the federal government, the Democrats' plan would push more and more of the financial burden for health care onto state governments and consumers, while reducing subsidies to consumers.  (Past studies by the GAO and CBO confirm that Single-Payer would save hundreds of billions of dollars annually in total health care spending.)

• The House bill denies health care for all immigrants, a restriction that would ultimately cost the US more in money and lives, since denial of treatment to anyone encourages the spread of disease among everyone, regardless of health coverage.  (Single-Payer's financial savings would fully offset the cost of health care for immigrants and improve the quality of health care for all.)

• Tens of millions of Americans will either not be required to purchase insurance or will choose to pay a penalty rather than do so.  Those who buy subsidized plans, mostly the working poor, will find that many services are not covered and that they will lack the funds to pay the deductibles and co-pays needed for medical treatment, since the plans are designed to only cover 70% of costs.  (Single-Payer will offer comprehensive health care for everyone.)

• Even though most Americans who presently lack health insurance are the working poor (75%) and those working for small employers, small employers are exempted from the requirement to provide health insurance.  (Single-Payer covers everyone regardless of employment, ability to pay, age, or prior medical condition.)

• The AMA endorsed the Democratic bill, but only 17% of physicians (out of 800,000 in the US) are AMA members.  59% of physicians and a majority of the public support Single-Payer/Medicare For All.  (Sources: / /

"The destructive role of insurance companies is the biggest problem with the American health care system," said Sanda Everette, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States.  "It's why we spend so much money and yet suffer a health care delivery system consistently ranked the worst among industrial countries, even though we have some of the best doctors, nurses, hospitals, and medical technology.  We can save hundreds of billions of dollars annually by eliminating private for-profit insurance and using these funds to give every American access to quality health care.  Instead, Democrats are offering a bill that would tighten the stranglehold of the insurance companies.  This is not the change Americans were promised last November."


Green Party of the United States
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
• Green candidate database and campaign information:
• Green Party News Center
• Green Party Speakers Bureau
• Green Party ballot access page
• Green Party Livestream Channel

"The Green Party responds to Obama's speech: Mr. President, make health care a right for all Americans"
Green Party press release, September 14, 2009

Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States
Fall 2009 issue now online

~ END ~

Monday, November 02, 2009

Greens in the US protest attempts by the government of Rwanda to suppress the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda


For Immediate Release:
Monday, November 2, 2009

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator,

Greens in the US protest attempts by the government of Rwanda to suppress the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda

• Statement from party founder Frank Habineza; government officials use obstructions, security forces use violence to prevent Rwandan Greens from meeting; breaking news posted at

• The Fall 2009 issue of Green Pages, the Green Party's national publication, is now online:

WASHINGTON, DC -- The Green Party of the United States today expressed solidarity with the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda (DGPR, and condemned attempts by Rwandan government security forces to sabotage the party and prevent it from holding its historic first national congress.

On October 30, over 600 members and supporters of the new party came from all over Rwanda to Kigali, the capital, to present their notarized signatures for the DGPR's registration dossier with the Ministry of Local Government.  They were driven away by police, while a meeting that was underway was violently attacked by unidentified men who called out their support for the ruling Rwanda Patriotic Front, while he was throwing a chair into the crowd.  Police interrupted and canceled the meeting and arrested DGPR members who tried to restrain the disruptors instead of the disruptors themselves.

According to DGPR founder Frank Habineza, the attacks were no accident: “We have established the man who started the shouting and threw chairs (on October 30th) is an ex-soldier in the Rwandan army and a former employee of Military Intelligence."

For more information on the incident, see "Police halts Green Party congress 'due to insecurity'", Rwanda News Agency, October 30, 2009, ( and "Arrests and broken bones at 1st Rwandan Green Party Congress" by Annie Garrison, Green Change, October 30 (  The Green Party of the United States has set up a web page featuring breaking news from Rwanda (

On October 2, more than 900 members and supporters had traveled to a similar meeting in Kigali, only to be told by the Nyarugenge District Mayor that even though the Greens had secured a location and a notary, it had to resubmit its request for permission to hold the meeting.

The party has met with similar official obstructions ever since it was launched on August 14, 2009, at a press conference in Kigali with an audience that included representatives from the Embassies of the US, Sweden, and the Netherlands, as well as the BBC, SABC, Newvison-Uganda, Africa Press Agency, and Umuseso Newspaper (

"We protest all violence and obstruction aimed at peacefully organizing political parties throughout the world.  We especially deplore actions taken to prevent our fellow Green Parties in other nations from participating in the political process.  The Rwandans who've been blocked, intimidated, and injured by provocateurs are heroes in the struggle for democracy," said Steve Herrick, co-chair of the International Committee of the Green Party of the United States.

US Green Party leaders have encouraged Americans outraged by the political repression and violence to complain to the Rwanda Embassy in Washington, DC ( / Contact Page

"Although far more brutal, the hostile actions undertaken by Rwandan officials, police, and security forces against Greens mirror the efforts taken by many Democrats and Republicans in office in the US to keep keep Greens and other parties' candidates off the ballot.  In Pennsylvania, Green candidates face the threat of personal financial ruin for trying to run.  In many states, biased ballot access rules privilege major party candidates and bar all others.  As Americans and as Greens, we demand democracy -- in Rwanda, in the US, and everywhere," said Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry of the Black Caucus of the Green Party of the United States.  Ms. Curry is helping to prepare an international summit on the situation in Rwanda.

Unedited statement by Frank Habineza, founder of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda and one of the three African Greens representatives on the 12-member Global Green Coordination (

Its indeed been a terrible day, the man who started the shouting and threw chairs, we have established that he is an Ex-Soldier and a former employee of Military Intelligence, the other three people who joined him, one of them had something like a gun-pistol, it was also seen by the US Envoy and Netherlands Envoy and many others.

This was a well planned sabotage done by security operatives.  Another guy was also from the Local Defense Forces.  The police was not helpful at all. It looked like they were compromising us.

What is surprising though is that the police has released the guys who caused trouble and rather arrested our members one of them a mother.  Thankfully our members have been released but made statements at the police.  They were asked why they decided to be members of our party.

Several people are injured, one Lady is in intensive care.  Her Back is having a problem.  Am still finding out how many are injured.

Keep us in prayers,
Frank Habineza


Green Party of the United States
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
• Green candidate database and campaign information:
• Green Party News Center
• Green Party Speakers Bureau
• Green Party ballot access page
• Green Party Livestream Channel

Petition to the Rwandan Government to Register the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda
The Green Party of Canada, October 7, 2009

"A Sad Day for Democracy - Government interferes with establishment of Green Party in Rwanda"
By Mike Feinstein, Green Pages, Fall 2009

Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States
Fall 2009 issue now online

~ END ~

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Green Party urges President Obama to end the US blockade of Cuba following UN condemnation


For Immediate Release:
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator,

Green Party urges President Obama to end the US blockade of Cuba following UN condemnation

• Green Party Speakers Bureau: Greens available to speak on foreign policy:

• The Fall 2009 issue of Green Pages, the Green Party's national publication, is now online:

WASHINGTON, DC -- The Green Party of the United States called upon President Obama to end the economic blockade of Cuba, following a nearly unanimous vote in the United Nations on October 28 condemning the decades-old US policy.

"If President Obama is willing to accept the Nobel Peace prize, he should show the world that he is committed to peace.  The US continues to impose severe economic hardship on the Cuban people primarily to attract a small percent of the vote in the Florida Presidential election. It's time for President Obama and Congress to acknowledge that the Cold War is long over and rejoin those countries that promote peace and justice in the international community,” said Steve Herrick co-chair of the Green Party's International Committee.

The Green Party's national platform supports an immediate end to US sanctions against Cuba, calling the policy a violation of human rights and an obstacle to the delivery of food and medicine to a sovereign nation that poses no threat to the US.  See "Resolution Opposing US Intervention in Cuba," December 7, 2003 (

Greens noted that Cuba has the lowest infant mortality rate and the longest life expectancy rate in Latin America . The World Health Organization calls Cuba's free health care system "a model for the world."  Cuba also has the highest literacy rate and highest average educational level in Latin America.  Cubans are world leaders in sustainable development, including organic agriculture and alternative energy.

”These positive changes since 1959 deserve the world's encouragement and acknowledgment, not punishment.  The people of Cuba deserve to be free from both the external threat of US attack and the internal threat of political repression.  As Greens, we support all possibilities for greater democracy in Cuba, and we urge that US hostilities towards Cuba cease," said Sanda Everette, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States and a member of the International Committee.


Green Party of the United States
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
• Green candidate database and campaign information:
• Green Party News Center
• Green Party Speakers Bureau
• Green Party ballot access page
• Green Party Livestream Channel

Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States
Fall 2009 issue now online

~ END ~

Green Party candidates to watch on Election Day 2009


For Immediate Release:
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator,

Green Party candidates to watch on Election Day 2009

• The Fall 2009 issue of Green Pages, the Green Party's national publication, is now online:

WASHINGTON, DC -- The Green Party highlighted several Green candidates running strong campaigns in the 2009 races, with some likely victories on Election Day, November 3.

158 Green Party candidates have announced runs in local and state races.  Below are profiles of some of the more promising and prominent candidates, with campaign web site links and some quotes.  For information about more Green candidates and information about Green electoral efforts, see:

• Press information for Green candidates

• Green Party Election Database

• Greens run for several offices simultaneously in Stamford, Connecticut

• Ingredients for the success of Green incumbents: Cam Gordon and Alan Brison

• State Green Party efforts to gain ballot access across the country

• Green Party of Arkansas Sues to Keep Ballot Status: Claims state rules hurt third parties and voters alike

• Embedded video clips of Green candidates, other topics

• Livestreaming video


Find more Green candidate profiles and links at:


• Mary DeCamp for Tucson City Council Ward 3, Pima County (


• Allan Brison (incumbent) for New Haven Alderman, Ward 10 (  The Democrats are running a young environmentalist to run against Mr. Brison in the hope of gaining a monopoly on the local government.

• Jean de Smet for Mayor of Windham (  Ms. de Smet currently holds office as First Selectman in Windham.


• Anthony Zeli for Portland School Committee, District 2, Cumberland County (

Mr. Zeli wants to move Portland schools forward by investing in energy efficiency, improving access to school community centers, and supporting innovative education.  Maine Green Independents once held four out of nine seats on Portland School Committee and passed progressive groundbreaking policies, such as limiting military recruitment in schools.  Greens are down to just one school committee member who has chosen not to run for re-election.  After receiving several key endorsements and running a solid campaign, Mr. Zeli is in a good position to succeed.


• Chuck Turner (incumbent) for Boston City Council, District 7 (  Mr. Turner was been recently targeted by the FBI, while the Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party has rallied behind him:


• Jeanine Estimé for Minneapolis City Council, Ward 8 (


• Lynne Serpe for New York City Council, District 22 (Astoria) in Queens (  Ms. Serpe is a longtime Green organizer and the campaign manager for David Cobb's 2004 Green presidential campaign.  In addition to running a strong grassroots campaign, Ms. Serpe has drawn coverage from the New York Daily News because of her fundraising success (

"Clean air, clean water, clean energy -- and clean streets. These are not partisan issues.  They affect all of us," said Lynne Serpe. "They impact our wallet, our environment, our public health and our quality of life."  (See also "Bloomberg and Thompson aren't the only ones running in this town" by Errol Louis, New York Daily News, Oct. 29,

• Howie Hawkins, for Syracuse City Council (  Mr. Hawkins, a longtime Green organizer and party leader, has run for office 17 times.

• Jennifer Dotson, for First Ward Common Councilwoman, City of Ithaca (

"On November 3 you will see my name on the ballot under both the Green and the Democratic party lines. I make it a point to work in coalition and to look beyond party lines. I am a registered Green and am looking forward to and participating in a renewal of the Tompkins County Green Party ( as an active, positive, local political presence," said Ms. Dotson.


• Anitra Brockman for Cincinnati City Council (


• John Reeder for Arlington County Board (   Mr. Reeder raised more funds for his campaign than the Democratic incumbent during the last two months of summer.

Mr. Reeder has stressed three themes throughout his campaign: cutting the county government's waste of hundreds of millions of dollars on vanity projects so that essential human services, libraries and schools can be funded; a stronger municipal environmental program banning plastic bags; and expanding recycling in apartments and free home energy audits; and preserving affordable rental  apartments.

"Last year, I got 23% of the vote against an incumbent Democrat city councilwoman (county board supervisor).  I expect to exceed that share against another incumbent Democrat," said Mr. Reeder, who noted that 2009 is the fourth year in a row that a Green candidate has run for county board in Arlington.


Green Party of the United States
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
• Green candidate database and campaign information:
• Green Party News Center
• Green Party Speakers Bureau
• Green Party ballot access page
• Green Party Livestream Channel

"The Green Party announces new national party co-chairs"
Green Party press release, October 22, 2009

Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States
Fall 2009 issue now online

~ END ~

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Green Party announces new national party co-chairs


For Immediate Release:
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator,

The Green Party announces new national party co-chairs

• Steering Committee web site, with co-chair bios and photos:

• Green Pages, the Green Party's national publication, is now online:

WASHINGTON, DC -- The National Committee of the Green Party of the United States has confirmed the election of four new co-chairs, Mike Feinstein (from California), Farheen Hakeem (Minnesota), Jason Nabewaniec (New York; reelected), and David Strand (Minnesota); and the reelection of Holly Hart as the party's national secretary.

The co-chairs, who form the party's Steering Committee, are elected by the 200 members of the Green Party's National Committee, which includes delegates from state Green Parties and Green caucuses.  The newly elected and reelected Steering Committee members join four continuing members, Jill Bussiere, Sanda Everette, Craig Thorsen, and treasurer Jody Grage.

The Green Party uses ranked choice voting, in an open, democratic process, to elect its internal leadership.

"The Green Party advocates numerous election reforms that would make our public election system far more democratic than it is right now with winner-take-all and rules that privilege two entrenched corporate-money parties," said continuing co-chair Sanda Everette.  "Greens have promoted ranked choice voting, instant running voting, single transferrable voting, and proportional representation -- and we practice what we preach."

The three new members bring a variety of backgrounds to the Steering Committee.  The election of Ms. Hakeem, a community organizer in Minneapolis, makes her the highest ranking Muslim woman in any US political party, which adds to her history of breaking records, having received a high number of votes and percentages as a Green Party endorsed candidate.

Mr. Feinstein served as Mayor of Santa Monica, California from 2000 to 2002, one of several Green mayors elected in California over the past decade (, as well as Santa Monica Council member (1996-2004).  Mr. Strand is a prominent gay activist and a leader in the Green Party's Lavender Green Caucus, serving as the caucus's delegate to the National Committee.

PROFILES of new co-chairs

• FARHEEN HAKEEM’s position as co-chair of the Green Party is the highest ranking in the US for any Muslim woman or Muslim in any political party.

"Farheen has been proven to be a true Green and is committed to the Ten Key Values ( of the Green Party," said Green Party treasurer Jody Grage.

"Among the Ten Key values, non-violence, respect for diversity and feminism are what draws a lot of Muslims to the Green Party," said Ms. Hakeem.  "The Green Party has called for divestment from Israel.  Cynthia McKinney, the Green Party's 2008 presidential candidate, recently visited Gaza and was arrested en route and held prisoner in an Israeli jail for bringing humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza in the wake of Israel's invasion."

Farheen Hakeem has been active in the Green Party since 2002.  She ran for Mayor of Minneapolis, coming in third out of 12 candidates -- the only woman and Green Party endorsed candidate in the race.

• MIKE FEINSTEIN, along with his career as elected mayor and city council member of Santa Monica, is one of the co-founders of the Green Party of California (  He has served twice as a US Green delegate to the Global Greens ( and once to the Federation of the Green Parties of the Americas (

Mr. Feinstein's goals for the Green Party include “electing more Greens and greening public policy.  One of my top priorities is the transformation of our privately financed winner-take-all electoral system into a system of proportional representation with public financing, fair ballot access, and inclusion for all ballot qualified candidates in all debates."

• DAVID STRAND is politics co-chair of the Green Party of Minnesota ( and treasurer of the 3rd Congressional District Green Party, where he has worked with other Greens to coordinate spending of public campaign financing funds the party has received to support Green state legislative candidates.

Mr. Strand is a founding member of the Lavender Green Caucus, which represents gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Greens ( He is a proud member of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (

"I am particularly interested in further expanding the party's activism, positions, and policies on issues relative to those both within and those exiting our nation's criminal 'justice' system.  There are so many barriers to reintegration and this year alone more than 2 million people will be leaving our nation's prisons.  There is much federal, state and local public policy which is overly punitive towards those who have served their time for their offenses and very little public policy supporting successful reintegration and preventing recidivism," said Mr. Strand.


Green Party of the United States
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
• Green candidate database and campaign information:
• Green Party News Center
• Green Party Speakers Bureau
• Green Party ballot access page
• Green Party Livestream Channel

Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States
Fall 2009 issue now online

~ END ~

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Greens to join Oct. protests against US wars in Afghanistan, Iraq

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Greens to join mid-October protests against US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party leaders, activists, and members across the US plan to participate in mass rallies, marches, coordinated local and regional demonstrations, and other forms of protest to take place on and around Saturday, October 17 calling for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

The National Assembly to End the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars ( is coordinating the nationwide mid-October protests.  October 2009 marks the eighth year of the US war in Afghanistan and seven years since Congress passed a resolution authorizing an invasion of Iraq.

"While a majority of Democrats and Republicans in Congress lined up behind President Bush's call for an invasion of Iraq based on a litany of deceptions, the Green Party opposed and protested the war from the beginning.  The election of Barack Obama in 2008 brought no real change -- America is still waging war against Afghanistan and Iraq, with attacks on Pakistan and threats to attack Iran," said Rosa Clemente, the Green Party's 2008 nominee for Vice President, Hip Hop activist, journalist, and community organizer (

"The Green Party continues to challenge the monopoly on power held by the two parties of war -- the Democratic and Republican parties.  We also challenge the delusion that led so many people who opposed the war to vote for Mr. Obama and other warhawk Democrats.  The only hope for an end to America's policies of military aggression remains the emergence of a real peace party -- the Green Party," added Ms. Clemente, who is about to embark on a 14-state speaking tour.

October also commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Vietnam Moratorium that brought hundreds of thousands into the streets to protest the war.

Greens in New England will gather at an antiwar rally and march planned for Boston on October 17, beginning at 1:00 pm in Copley Square.  The Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party is one of the sponsors of the event.

On Monday, October 5, Greens will participate in an antiwar protest at the White House organized by members of the War Resisters League and Witness Against Torture (

"The war in Iraq was not a 'good' war, neither is the war in Afghanistan," said Green peace activist Paul 'zool' Zulkowitz.

The Green Party demands:

• Immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all US troops, military personnel, bases, contractors, and mercenaries from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

• An immediate end to all US support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the ongoing siege against Gaza and the Palestinian people.

• An end to sanctions, threats of war, and attacks against Iran, North Korea, Somalia, or any other nation, whose right to self-determination is under assault by Washington’s aggressive drive for hegemony. We strongly oppose interference in the internal affairs of these countries, as well as Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and any other nation targeted by the US government for political destabilization.

• Investigation and prosecution of war crimes, including torture, with an assurance that all such crimes never happen again.

A lopsided vote by the US House of Representatives (368-60) on May 14, 2009 approved the Obama Administration's request for $97 billion for US military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.  The US Senate’s follow-up vote on June 18, 2009 approved, by a 91-5 majority, $105.9 billion for the same purpose, showing bipartisan support for continuation of the wars and occupations.  According to Green Party leaders, these votes underscore why an independent, unified, mass action antiwar movement is needed now more than ever.

The Green Party supports without equivocation the right of all oppressed nations and peoples to self-determination, whether in the Middle East or in other parts of the world, such as Haiti.

Greens stand in solidarity with working people, their unions and allies, and demand that the trillions spent on wars and the military be diverted to support for homeowners, the opening of plants to create new green jobs instead of seeing them shut down, and maintaining and expanding urgently needed social programs


Green Party of the United States
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
• Green candidate database and campaign information:
• Green Party News Center
• Green Party Speakers Bureau
• Green Party ballot access page
• Green Party Livestream Channel

Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States
Summer 2009 issue now online

~ END ~

Monday, September 21, 2009

Don't Be A Sucker!! Have a Green Lollipop and Medicare For All

Remember when you were a kid and the physician gave you a lollipop after your examination? This page is a big GREEN LOLLIPOP from the Green Party for everyone who believes that we should make health care a human right for every American!

Join the Green Party and millions of other Americans in our demand for SINGLE-PAYER national health care, also called MEDICARE FOR ALL: Everybody in, nobody out!

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Beatles Song Poem

when i saw you standing there
i knew i had to get you into my life
i wanna hold your hand and follow the sun
all together now
lets make a revolution
'n rock 'n roll music
run through strawberry fields forever
yes, that'll be the day i stop being a fool on the hill
we've got our ticket to ride
through the octopus's garden
into the yellow submarine
down penny lane
up to lucy in the sky with her diamonds
flying free as a bird
where i'll call your name and you'll hold me tight
here, there and everywhere
all i've got to do
this day in my life
is love you tender
till way past when i'm 64
all we need is love and each other...
and: dear prudence, doctor robert, eleanor rigby
dizzy miss lizzy, johnny b. goode, julia, jude (hey dude!)
long tall sally, lovely rita, martha, michelle, maggie mae,
mr. kite, rocky raccoon, lady madonna, sexy sadie, and we can't forget the piggies!
i'm so happy just to dance with you
but why don't we do it in the road?
ob la di ob la da!
ps: i love you!
the end



Read the Bill:

Synchrony and Group Cohesion

An interesting book that I read a long time ago: The Dance of Life, The Other Dimension of Time, by Edward T. Hall. Here's a excerpt from

    Friday, September 04, 2009

    Ska Keller, 27 year old German Green member of European Parliament

    Help turn your city and state and national government Green! Be a Green Party Candidate!

    Ska Keller says: " first I wasn't interested in joining a political party. I attended a seminar in Brandenburg and was suddenly surrounded by Greens. In just one weekend, they convinced me that working for a party could actually be worthwhile."

    Sunday, August 09, 2009

    Watch the US Green Party's News, Info, Speakers, Programming, Music and much more on our ONLINE CHANNEL at

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    and we'll let you know about LIVE shows and previously recorded shows that you can watch 'On Demand'

    Thursday, April 30, 2009

    Greens: Justice Dept. must appoint a special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute Bush officials who OK'd torture


    For Immediate Release:
    Wednesday, April 29, 2009

    Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624, cell 202-904-7614,
    Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805,

    Any attempt by the White House to limit investigation will be an obstruction of justice, say Greens; Witness Against Torture protests planned for April 30

    Green Party Speakers Bureau: Green leaders available to speak on related issues

    WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party leaders called on Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department to investigate evidence of torture and punish any and all Bush White House officials who broke the law. Greens urged President Obama to release all torture memos.

    "Political considerations have no place in this matter. The Department of Justice -- which is authorized to act independently of the White House -- must appoint a special prosecutor to investigate who broke the law and approved the use of torture," said Starlene Rankin, co-chair of the Lavender Green Caucus (

    Greens named several former White House officials who have been implicated in evidence already published: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, national security advisor Condoleezza Rice, counsel John Yoo, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Vice President Cheney, and President Bush. Some Greens plan to participate in the '100 Days to Close Guantanamo and End Torture!' demonstrations ( planned for Thursday, April 30, an event initiated by Witness Against Torture (

    Green Party leaders noted that some Democratic (including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Intelligence Committee chair David Rockefeller, and former House Intelligence chair Jane Harman) and Republican members of Congress were allegedly informed about the use of torture, and said that their silence and failure to object should be investigated as well.

    "President Obama has said that '[n]othing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past.' On the contrary, the President's oath of office requires that he uphold the law. If he tries to discourage the Justice Department from investigation and prosecution, he is abusing his own power as President and obstructing justice. Any attempt by the White House to immunize those who ordered, allowed, or participated in torture would violate international laws and agreements, especially the Convention Against Torture signed by President Reagan in 1988 (," said Phil Huckelberry, Co-Chair of the Green Party of the United States.

    The Green Party, which lists nonviolence among its key values, categorically opposes the use of torture under any circumstances. Greens listed several urgent reasons to investigate and prosecute officials allegedly involved in torture:

    Torture violates US and international law. In the past, US and international courts have punished war criminals for waterboarding prisoners, establishing an inescapable precedent.

    The use of torture has damaged the US's standing in the world and motivated greater hostility against Americans: how many US military personnel were killed or maimed in Iraq by those enraged by the Abu Ghraib abuses? International revulsion over torture may have made US allies less willing to cooperate with the US, thus reducing the US's ability to gather intelligence. Some of the damage can be repaired by punishing those responsible for torture.

    Torture places US troops and other personnel at risk of similar retaliatory treatment if captured.

    The circumstances of Abu Zubaydah's treatment, including 83 instances of waterboarding in August, 2002, suggest that torture might have been used to extract "evidence" of collusion between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda in order to justify the US invasion of Iraq. No genuine evidence of such an alliance existed, but the Bush Administration's deceptions led to a bipartisan vote in Congress in October, 2002, transferring war power to the White House in violation of the US Constitution.

    Torture has never been a reliable way to gain information. Under torture in Syria, Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi's words were used to support the US invasion of Iraq, despite questions of credibility and his later admission that the information was fabricated ( Information extracted through torture is especially unreliable in the 'ticking bomb' situations that Bush officials have been used to justify it. However, whether torture works is besides the point; Mr. Cheney's claims that such methods protected Americans lack credibility in light of his past deceptions.

    Historically, torture has often been employed by lawless governments less to gain information than to create terror among targeted populations. Continued torture of some prisoners at Guantanamo Bay after they were known to be innocent is consistent with torture for this purpose. Under George W. Bush, the US joined the list of terrorist states around the world.

    The use of torture cannot be separated from other Bush Administration abuses of power and violations of the US Constitution and international law (deceptions to win support for the invasion of Iraq, 'preemptive' military aggression, warrantless surveillance of US citizens), or from the Bush-Cheney doctrine of 'unitary executive power' placing the president above the law.

    White House crimes that go unpunished are a license for future administrations to commit similar crimes, and new ones too.


    Green Party of the United States
    202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
    Fax 202-319-7193

    Tally of Green election victories
    Green candidate news
    Green candidate database for 2008 and other campaign information:
    Green Party News Center
    Green Party Speakers Bureau
    Green Party ballot access page

    Green Pages, Vol. 13, No. 1
    The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States

    ~ END ~

    Tuesday, April 28, 2009

    A Poem about Stash

    a little something about stash and me

    roll away the dew
    plays in background
    jerry's incredible guitar licks
    penetrate my body
    and the candle light fills my room
    i am alone with my feelings
    and my thoughts and my self

    my paula, my stash,
    my friend, lover,
    co-tv-host, co-parent
    we were artists in love
    living together for a few wonderful years
    creating our way through our lives
    teaching each other new tricks
    and giving each other freedom to be
    individuals and co-consorts

    i sit and stare at the picture

    she was young and adorable
    in those sunglasses and standing that
    cocky way butches stand
    and look at a girl
    that makes us melt

    the first summer was pure bliss
    we fucked at least twice a day
    her energy was incredible
    and i often thanked myself for
    finding a lover ten years younger
    than this middle-aged,
    green, pagan, queer hippie-chick

    i wrote a song about my stash babe
    and sang it at a queer coffee-house
    she sat in the front row
    grinning from ear to ear
    she adored me and wasn't shy
    about showing it

    i'd swoon at her touch
    sometimes even at her look
    i miss that experience
    i miss her holding me tight
    and softly kissing my neck
    i miss singing indigo girls songs together
    harmonizing beautifully
    high as a kite
    and grounded as a tree

    my darling stash, was society's child
    born into the violence of an
    alcoholic, dysfunctional household
    beaten from infancy
    raped by the brother
    tortured by the drunk dad
    disowned by everyone
    when she didn't act like a girl
    the so-called caregivers
    left her to institutions and jails
    and a nurtured-less existence

    she survived
    being an artist
    she created what she needed
    to get through it
    the shrinks claimed her
    to be a "multiple"
    i claimed her
    to be diverse!

    i told her
    it's better to have too many personalities
    than no personality at all
    she giggled and grabbed me
    and threw me on the bed
    and passionately devoured me
    for awhile i was totally in my body
    yet, totally out of control
    she took me over
    and i willingly surrendered
    to the orgasms
    and to the moment

    stash was torn between the
    memories of years of abuse
    and a future with me
    filled with respect and love
    i pumped her up with self-esteem
    but the doctors pumped her full of drugs
    that changed her
    that took away her passion
    in order to calm her fears

    i work hard everyday as a green activist
    to bring some sanity back to our country,
    to our ailing planet
    and everyday i ask
    what can we do to end war?
    what can we do to end violence
    between countries and between ourselves?
    two to three children die everyday at the hand of a caregiver
    we don't see that story on the tv screen
    we see a "war against terrorism"
    that drops bombs on innocents
    where is the
    "war against violence?"
    where is the
    "war against children terrorized in their own homes?"

    my stash babe survived her childhood
    but not her adulthood
    society's child took a nap
    on the last day of 2001
    and didn't wake up
    maybe another day on this crazy planet
    was just going to be too much

    i feel happy for stash now
    she's with mother, she's returned home
    to a safe place where love reigns
    and one's potential is naturally manifested

    like my boys sing, all you need is love...

    written by:
    starlene rankin
    chicago, il, usa
