Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Greens to join Oct. protests against US wars in Afghanistan, Iraq

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Greens to join mid-October protests against US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party leaders, activists, and members across the US plan to participate in mass rallies, marches, coordinated local and regional demonstrations, and other forms of protest to take place on and around Saturday, October 17 calling for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

The National Assembly to End the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars ( is coordinating the nationwide mid-October protests.  October 2009 marks the eighth year of the US war in Afghanistan and seven years since Congress passed a resolution authorizing an invasion of Iraq.

"While a majority of Democrats and Republicans in Congress lined up behind President Bush's call for an invasion of Iraq based on a litany of deceptions, the Green Party opposed and protested the war from the beginning.  The election of Barack Obama in 2008 brought no real change -- America is still waging war against Afghanistan and Iraq, with attacks on Pakistan and threats to attack Iran," said Rosa Clemente, the Green Party's 2008 nominee for Vice President, Hip Hop activist, journalist, and community organizer (

"The Green Party continues to challenge the monopoly on power held by the two parties of war -- the Democratic and Republican parties.  We also challenge the delusion that led so many people who opposed the war to vote for Mr. Obama and other warhawk Democrats.  The only hope for an end to America's policies of military aggression remains the emergence of a real peace party -- the Green Party," added Ms. Clemente, who is about to embark on a 14-state speaking tour.

October also commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Vietnam Moratorium that brought hundreds of thousands into the streets to protest the war.

Greens in New England will gather at an antiwar rally and march planned for Boston on October 17, beginning at 1:00 pm in Copley Square.  The Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party is one of the sponsors of the event.

On Monday, October 5, Greens will participate in an antiwar protest at the White House organized by members of the War Resisters League and Witness Against Torture (

"The war in Iraq was not a 'good' war, neither is the war in Afghanistan," said Green peace activist Paul 'zool' Zulkowitz.

The Green Party demands:

• Immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all US troops, military personnel, bases, contractors, and mercenaries from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

• An immediate end to all US support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the ongoing siege against Gaza and the Palestinian people.

• An end to sanctions, threats of war, and attacks against Iran, North Korea, Somalia, or any other nation, whose right to self-determination is under assault by Washington’s aggressive drive for hegemony. We strongly oppose interference in the internal affairs of these countries, as well as Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and any other nation targeted by the US government for political destabilization.

• Investigation and prosecution of war crimes, including torture, with an assurance that all such crimes never happen again.

A lopsided vote by the US House of Representatives (368-60) on May 14, 2009 approved the Obama Administration's request for $97 billion for US military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.  The US Senate’s follow-up vote on June 18, 2009 approved, by a 91-5 majority, $105.9 billion for the same purpose, showing bipartisan support for continuation of the wars and occupations.  According to Green Party leaders, these votes underscore why an independent, unified, mass action antiwar movement is needed now more than ever.

The Green Party supports without equivocation the right of all oppressed nations and peoples to self-determination, whether in the Middle East or in other parts of the world, such as Haiti.

Greens stand in solidarity with working people, their unions and allies, and demand that the trillions spent on wars and the military be diverted to support for homeowners, the opening of plants to create new green jobs instead of seeing them shut down, and maintaining and expanding urgently needed social programs


Green Party of the United States
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
• Green candidate database and campaign information:
• Green Party News Center
• Green Party Speakers Bureau
• Green Party ballot access page
• Green Party Livestream Channel

Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States
Summer 2009 issue now online

~ END ~

Monday, September 21, 2009

Don't Be A Sucker!! Have a Green Lollipop and Medicare For All

Remember when you were a kid and the physician gave you a lollipop after your examination? This page is a big GREEN LOLLIPOP from the Green Party for everyone who believes that we should make health care a human right for every American!

Join the Green Party and millions of other Americans in our demand for SINGLE-PAYER national health care, also called MEDICARE FOR ALL: Everybody in, nobody out!

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Beatles Song Poem

when i saw you standing there
i knew i had to get you into my life
i wanna hold your hand and follow the sun
all together now
lets make a revolution
'n rock 'n roll music
run through strawberry fields forever
yes, that'll be the day i stop being a fool on the hill
we've got our ticket to ride
through the octopus's garden
into the yellow submarine
down penny lane
up to lucy in the sky with her diamonds
flying free as a bird
where i'll call your name and you'll hold me tight
here, there and everywhere
all i've got to do
this day in my life
is love you tender
till way past when i'm 64
all we need is love and each other...
and: dear prudence, doctor robert, eleanor rigby
dizzy miss lizzy, johnny b. goode, julia, jude (hey dude!)
long tall sally, lovely rita, martha, michelle, maggie mae,
mr. kite, rocky raccoon, lady madonna, sexy sadie, and we can't forget the piggies!
i'm so happy just to dance with you
but why don't we do it in the road?
ob la di ob la da!
ps: i love you!
the end



Read the Bill:

Synchrony and Group Cohesion

An interesting book that I read a long time ago: The Dance of Life, The Other Dimension of Time, by Edward T. Hall. Here's a excerpt from

    Friday, September 04, 2009

    Ska Keller, 27 year old German Green member of European Parliament

    Help turn your city and state and national government Green! Be a Green Party Candidate!

    Ska Keller says: " first I wasn't interested in joining a political party. I attended a seminar in Brandenburg and was suddenly surrounded by Greens. In just one weekend, they convinced me that working for a party could actually be worthwhile."