For Immediate Release:
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator,
Green Party urges President Obama to end the US blockade of Cuba following UN condemnation
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• The Fall 2009 issue of Green Pages, the Green Party's national publication, is now online:
WASHINGTON, DC -- The Green Party of the United States called upon President Obama to end the economic blockade of Cuba, following a nearly unanimous vote in the United Nations on October 28 condemning the decades-old US policy.
"If President Obama is willing to accept the Nobel Peace prize, he should show the world that he is committed to peace. The US continues to impose severe economic hardship on the Cuban people primarily to attract a small percent of the vote in the Florida Presidential election. It's time for President Obama and Congress to acknowledge that the Cold War is long over and rejoin those countries that promote peace and justice in the international community,” said Steve Herrick co-chair of the Green Party's International Committee.
The Green Party's national platform supports an immediate end to US sanctions against Cuba, calling the policy a violation of human rights and an obstacle to the delivery of food and medicine to a sovereign nation that poses no threat to the US. See "Resolution Opposing US Intervention in Cuba," December 7, 2003 (
Greens noted that Cuba has the lowest infant mortality rate and the longest life expectancy rate in Latin America . The World Health Organization calls Cuba's free health care system "a model for the world." Cuba also has the highest literacy rate and highest average educational level in Latin America. Cubans are world leaders in sustainable development, including organic agriculture and alternative energy.
”These positive changes since 1959 deserve the world's encouragement and acknowledgment, not punishment. The people of Cuba deserve to be free from both the external threat of US attack and the internal threat of political repression. As Greens, we support all possibilities for greater democracy in Cuba, and we urge that US hostilities towards Cuba cease," said Sanda Everette, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States and a member of the International Committee.
Green Party of the United States
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
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Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States
Fall 2009 issue now online
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